Make Money With Your Digital Camera Affiliate Program
Thanks for your interest in promoting my book. I try to create a new product every few months. You can make money selling these also. Send an email to to get information about new products as I release them.
Make Money With Your Digital Camera is $19.97. You get 50 percent of each sale- that's $8.82 commission per sale. (Clickbank takes their fees before they pay you or me.) Once you set this up it will generate sales for you without any additional work. This is an easy way to make a few hundred extra dollars a month.
You should send your visitors directly to the Make Money With Your Digital Camera sales page. For best results, aim your prospects at the sales page using specific endorsements for the book.
Tell your readers why they should buy "Make Money With Your Digital Camera" and then tell them to click on your link.
Here's the html code for the link:
<a href="">Make Money With Your Digital Camera</a>
The web page with the link above needs to have a piece of code in it so you can get paid for sending buyers to me. Inserting this code is pretty easy to do.
The book is sold through If you are not already signed up with Clickbank you can become an affiliate here:
Use this link to sign up for Clickbank.
When you sign up with Clickbank, you will create a nickname. After you have your nickname use the form below to get your tracking code.