You have made a wise decision.You are minutes away from turning your digital camera into a cash machine, but please spend a few minutes reading the next few paragraphs before you get your credit card out. You'll be glad you did.Many people who purchase Make Money With Your Digital Camera later purchase my Make Money With Your Video Camera manual. Because I want you to get off on the right foot, right now you can get the both manuals for just $10 over the cost of the digital camera book alone.
That's a savings of $29.97Normally, I sell these two books for 29.97 each. Currently I am testing a lower price or $19.97, and during this test you can get both books for the previous price of only one book. The choice is up to you. Either purchase just the digital camera book, then come back later and get the video camera book, or get them both now for only $10.00 more than the price of a single copy. Because I will loose money on this deal - I sell everything separately with no discounts, this offer may change at any time. Order now, and lock in your savings.
Need More Information about Make Money With Your Video Camera?In Make Money With Your Video Camera you will learn: